14 Sep 2018

1. Time Vampires These are activities that steal your time. Television, videos, the small ‘breather’ watching an hour of sport. The hours build up. Conservatively, people spend (or waste) 15 hours of their time per week watching television or on social media - in aggregate, that’s almost a whole waking day and 52 days per year. Being constantly distracted by emails, Facebook, Snapc...

17 Jul 2018

At last! It’s that time of year when business partners and colleagues do not expect an immediate response to calls and emails. Bliss! Being left alone, even for a few working days, is the perfect time for taking a different perspective and a reflective look at achievements as the year has progressed. Astonishingly, we are already two-thirds through 2018. Historically August is a...

28 Jun 2018

Introduction A couple of years ago a great and valued friend of mine in Sydney wrote some editorial for me as a Coach. She titled it ‘Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear’. My Australian friend Claudia is a particular kind of amazing person; she is driven, focused, hard-working, entrepreneurial, successful, inspirational - in addition to being a moth...