20 Dec 2018

There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are looking for a job. In front of our peers, family and friends there is often the urge to put on a front rather than using the opportunity to build alliances. This time last year I went to one of the many reunion drinks that happen in the build up to Christmas. Talking to a friend from university who I hadn’t seen for a year and we got onto t...

22 Nov 2018

On 26th Sept 2018, MMS and 18-07 ran their first open workshop. To date, we have run these in a closed environment for specific businesses and people. This was a new step forward and one we wanted to prove. Tickets were sold out with over 80 people turning up. It was themed “The Power of Now Journey” and an introduction talk as to why and how we need to look after ourselves bet...

26 Oct 2018

A different way of thinking about and coping with stress. In the TED Talk below, Kelly McGonical highlights some interesting points: Realising your heart pounding is your body getting ready for action and the next challenge lessens the effects of stress. "What we know for certain is that chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort". There are l...

14 Sep 2018

1. Time Vampires These are activities that steal your time. Television, videos, the small ‘breather’ watching an hour of sport. The hours build up. Conservatively, people spend (or waste) 15 hours of their time per week watching television or on social media - in aggregate, that’s almost a whole waking day and 52 days per year. Being constantly distracted by emails, Facebook, Snapc...