16 Apr 2024

Throughout history, people have categorized people based on averages. These averages could be anything from height, weight, race, religion, sexuality, and other characteristics. Normal is supposed to be the most common attribute based on the variety of results. Essentially, the average is the norm, but what is normal?  Normal is merely a concept. Normal is differences, flaws, and uniq...

09 Apr 2024

Socrates was killed for corrupting the youth of his people and making them question their religious beliefs. I hear you saying, "Why does this matter? Who cares?". Socrates was not feared because he knew everything, but the opposite. Socrates was powerful because he asked too many questions. One of Socrates' most famous techniques is the Socratic method. The method, in a nut shell, go...

02 Apr 2024

Studying can be difficult and boring, but studying is a part of life. Whether you are a student or surgeon, you will have to study. As a result, we wanted to share some scientifically proven tricks to help you ace your next exam (whatever that may be)!  Flashcards - by testing yourself with flashcards you are forcing your brain to remember and you begin strengthening your long term ...

26 Mar 2024

There are a few things on this Earth that all people have in common. One of them, everyone sleeps. That said. We all know how important sleep is, but still avoid it! Why? Sleep is scientifically proven to be the time when the body recovers. Health, memory formation, and stress levels are all linked to sleep.  Throughout history, leaders, scientists, and philosophers have described the...

21 Mar 2024

Who do you want to be? Are you the person you were five years ago? Are you the person you were yesterday? What about the you of tomorrow? Or you in twenty years? Philosophers and people alike have been asking this question for centuries, and I am not here to provide an answer. I am here to ask a question. Who do you want to be? Your idea of self is constantly changing. Don't belie...

12 Mar 2024

Notoriously, habits are hard to break. However, understanding how a habit works has been proven to be the most effective way of breaking a habit. Habit - behaviors performed regularly and cued subconsciously in response to environments. A habit has three steps: Cue, Behavior, and Reward. It becomes a loop. Habits are formed when the brain realizes that a task you continuously do i...

05 Mar 2024

Procrastination - when we avoid a task we said we would do for no good reason, despite expecting our behavior to bring negative consequences. Procrastination, believe it or not, is our body's way of protecting us from harmful tasks. When you have something that you dread, the amygdala sends out the same hormones as if you were experiencing a threat. Your brain then goes into fight, fl...

27 Feb 2024

Have you ever experienced the flow state (it's a real thing)? You may have read our title and thought, "The flow state, what is that?" Well, let me elaborate... We have all felt in the zone, unstoppable, and locked in concentration. This is what is called, the flow state. The scientific definition of a flow state is an altered state of consciousness where the participant is experien...

20 Feb 2024

Confidence allows us to reach goals and face challenges that we otherwise would not have the courage to face. You could be applying for a new job, asking for a raise, or speaking to your peers. Confidence is prevalent in all of these tasks. But what about when you need confidence? 18-07 is here to help!We will be sharing 3 ways to help increase your confidence so you can take one step...

13 Feb 2024

According to research, telling people your goals makes you less likely to accomplish them. By telling others and having them acknowledge your aspirations, the brain gives you the same feelings of accomplishment as when you have completed your goal. That feeling of accomplishment then makes you feel as if you have already done it, thus stopping you from actually doing it. Since the 1920s,...

06 Feb 2024

Communication is one of the most important skills you can have in life. It is a skill we use every day, but sometimes it can be challenging. There are many situations where talking can quickly become awkward and difficult. To help, here is a list of 10 ways to help improve your discussion skills! Do not multitask! Try your best to be present in the conversation. Do not lecture...

30 Jan 2024

We all make mistakes. It’s a part of life; however, these actions can hurt others. Whether in your personal or professional life, learning how to show you are sorry is vital. Good apologies have certain characteristics, so here are the key things to know when giving an apology: 1. Accept Responsibility. A centerpiece of an apology is understanding and accepting responsibility for your...

23 Jan 2024

  Recently, tests measuring success were administered to kids and adults alike. One test was for cadets who attended West Point Military Academy to see who would stay and leave the army. Another was a national spelling bee to see which children were more likely to win. One test was for rookie teachers teaching in rough neighborhoods to see who would continue teaching and who ...

12 Dec 2023

    Just got out of a job? Everyone goes through a transition period in their lives at least once, yet no one ever advises on how to handle it! That is why we are here today to provide some tips. Firstly, there are 3 stages of transition periods, the long goodbye (mourning the past that is not coming back), the messy middle (when you shed habits and create new ones...

05 Dec 2023

That is a lot of choices, and according to a recent theory by scientists, decisions might be taxing our energy. We all have a threshold for how many decisions we can make. When that threshold runs out, and can not think properly about a decision. You have reached decision fatigue! Hence candy bars are being placed at the end of grocery stores. They hope you will be at your decision limit...

28 Nov 2023

Judgment, predictions, and decisions are, more often than not, dependent on mindset. That said, if you believe in something you are more likely to believe in facts that support your beliefs and see opposing points of view/ideas as an attack on your opinion. You want to defend your beliefs even when there is disputing evidence. This is called the Soldier's Mindset, and it is not helpful. ...

22 Nov 2023

    The best way to learn to overcome stage fright is to know how it works!   When you get stage fright before you speak publicly, it comes from this fear of reputation. It is a primal feeling that stems from the fight-or-flight response. In reality, it is only a speech, but your brain believes predators are watching. Your body is preparing to fight to deat...