16 Apr 2024

Throughout history, people have categorized people based on averages. These averages could be anything from height, weight, race, religion, sexuality, and other characteristics. Normal is supposed to be the most common attribute based on the variety of results. Essentially, the average is the norm, but what is normal?  Normal is merely a concept. Normal is differences, flaws, and uniq...

05 Mar 2024

Procrastination - when we avoid a task we said we would do for no good reason, despite expecting our behavior to bring negative consequences. Procrastination, believe it or not, is our body's way of protecting us from harmful tasks. When you have something that you dread, the amygdala sends out the same hormones as if you were experiencing a threat. Your brain then goes into fight, fl...

27 Feb 2024

Have you ever experienced the flow state (it's a real thing)? You may have read our title and thought, "The flow state, what is that?" Well, let me elaborate... We have all felt in the zone, unstoppable, and locked in concentration. This is what is called, the flow state. The scientific definition of a flow state is an altered state of consciousness where the participant is experien...

20 Feb 2024

Confidence allows us to reach goals and face challenges that we otherwise would not have the courage to face. You could be applying for a new job, asking for a raise, or speaking to your peers. Confidence is prevalent in all of these tasks. But what about when you need confidence? 18-07 is here to help!We will be sharing 3 ways to help increase your confidence so you can take one step...

13 Feb 2024

According to research, telling people your goals makes you less likely to accomplish them. By telling others and having them acknowledge your aspirations, the brain gives you the same feelings of accomplishment as when you have completed your goal. That feeling of accomplishment then makes you feel as if you have already done it, thus stopping you from actually doing it. Since the 1920s,...

06 Feb 2024

Communication is one of the most important skills you can have in life. It is a skill we use every day, but sometimes it can be challenging. There are many situations where talking can quickly become awkward and difficult. To help, here is a list of 10 ways to help improve your discussion skills! Do not multitask! Try your best to be present in the conversation. Do not lecture...

23 Jan 2024

  Recently, tests measuring success were administered to kids and adults alike. One test was for cadets who attended West Point Military Academy to see who would stay and leave the army. Another was a national spelling bee to see which children were more likely to win. One test was for rookie teachers teaching in rough neighborhoods to see who would continue teaching and who ...

12 Dec 2023

    Just got out of a job? Everyone goes through a transition period in their lives at least once, yet no one ever advises on how to handle it! That is why we are here today to provide some tips. Firstly, there are 3 stages of transition periods, the long goodbye (mourning the past that is not coming back), the messy middle (when you shed habits and create new ones...

05 Dec 2023

That is a lot of choices, and according to a recent theory by scientists, decisions might be taxing our energy. We all have a threshold for how many decisions we can make. When that threshold runs out, and can not think properly about a decision. You have reached decision fatigue! Hence candy bars are being placed at the end of grocery stores. They hope you will be at your decision limit...

28 Nov 2023

Judgment, predictions, and decisions are, more often than not, dependent on mindset. That said, if you believe in something you are more likely to believe in facts that support your beliefs and see opposing points of view/ideas as an attack on your opinion. You want to defend your beliefs even when there is disputing evidence. This is called the Soldier's Mindset, and it is not helpful. ...

20 Jul 2021

What comes first - happiness or success?  Many individuals desire to be successful in life and typically believe that happiness will come from success in their job, but this is not always correct.  The definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.  Therefore, the true meaning of being successful is doing something that makes you happy.  In order to be a true success, ...

13 Jul 2021

  Over the past eighteen months, life in general has been turned upside down with the onset of the COVID pandemic.  People around the world have had to redefine their home life as well as their work life.  Now that countries are starting to lift restrictions, people want to get their lives back to normal.  However, across the world there has been a shift in the perspective of man...

06 Jul 2021

Hello, my name is Ethan, and I am an intern for 18-07. I am a college student in the United States, and for the past year I have been doing online classes with limited social contact. This semester my university is going back to 100% in-person classes. I am excited to get back to in-person classes, but I am also nervous as I have not been in a proper education environment for over a year...

20 Apr 2021

3 key points from cricket legend Andrew “Freddie” Flintoff. Some interesting reflections to think about in our own careers, particularly thinking about mindset: The importance of body language “The one thing I miss now not playing, is nerves… it made you feel alive… I miss that so much, I really do.” Taking control – playing to your strengths Watch the full video here...

06 Apr 2021

Lucy Hone – Co-Director at the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing & Resilience – gives her thoughts about 3 things we can do to be more resilient:   S*!” happens Select where attention is Is this helping or harming me   A fascinating 16 minute TED talk well worth watching to help in all areas of your life: https://www.ted.com/talks/lucy_hone_3_secrets_of_...

02 Apr 2021

Hi, my name is Becca, I am currently a student living in the United States, and I have spent the last two months working for 18-07 Careers in a remote capacity as an HR Intern. Sitting on the computer through classes on top of working a four-hour internship each day can be stressful and I will not lie to you Zoom fatigue is a real thing. So, here are three things that I wanted to share w...

26 Mar 2021

We have put together a list of 147 global free courses, and now is a great time to be upskilling. These free courses range from learning Chinese to Gene Testing to Supply Chain Sustainability to Artificial intelligence for Healthcare to Cyber Security to Screenwriting, and a lot more – something for everyone. Follow the link http://eepurl.com/geUZeb to get access. We hope you enjoy...

19 Mar 2021

As a bit of light relief this week, we at 18-07 are looking to hear from people about their most embarrassing moments at interviews, workplace or any mishaps. So if you have a story as a bit of light relief for everyone, send it along to admin@18-07.com. It will of course be completely anonymous, unless you choose otherwise… There is a bottle of Champagne for the best entry, so please...

12 Mar 2021

For those of you who haven’t read it, Thinking, Fast and Slow is about the way we think and act, with the author highlighting 2 systems: the first is the fast, automatic, intuitive and largely unconscious mode, and the second is the slow, deliberate, analytical and conscious mode. What struck me most was the whole notion of choices that each of us has and make. I found it fascinating ...

08 Mar 2021

At 18-07 we are privileged to work with many talented women in business, over the past three weeks in the run up to International Women’s Day, we have discussed: Katie Stickley (Founder of Did Teach), Sarah Austin (Founder and CEO of Really Helpful Club) and Leonora Gilliat (MD of Gilliat Moray Ltd and our own Research and Development Director at 18-07). We are thrilled to be partnere...

05 Mar 2021

In the wake of Covid we have found that we are regularly being asked, by our candidates, whether they should look at interim roles – aka temping. There are many benefits to temping, particularly in the current market, we have put our heads together and outlined just a few below… Filling the gaps in your CV – it is expected that Covid will be responsible for approximately 2.2 mill...

23 Feb 2021

Following on from our blog last week, Britain’s 100 private companies with the fastest-growing sales over their latest three years, we are thrilled to share an article with you published by the BBC over the weekend: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56149661 The BBC research has discovered that more than half of UK employers intend to recruit staff in the next three months. Appro...

12 Feb 2021

This Friday, in the run up to Valentine’s day, we are taking a different approach for our Friday blog and giving you some light relief before the weekend. What could be more romantic than The Rocaille style, or French Rococo period? It grew out of Paris during the reign of Louis XV, having thrown of the restrictive bonds of Louis XIV’s etiquette, the movement flourished between about ...

09 Feb 2021

Covid-19 has had a devastating effect for many employees, explaining gaps in our CVs can be a worrying time without the added difficulty of the current employment market. At the latest count approximately 1.72 million people are looking for work, from our experience being upfront and honest about the gaps on your CV is always best. When explaining your CV to potential employers you contr...

05 Feb 2021

I have to admit straight out that I am a huge fan of Malcolm Gladwell. I’ve read a number of his other books including “Blink”, “Outliers” and “David and Goliath” and I thoroughly enjoyed “The Tipping Point” on a number of levels, with a lot to reflect on for myself and people I work with. Some things that really stuck out for me were: “Emotion is contagious” – something perhaps ...

02 Feb 2021

As we move into a new month and further into the new year it so important to maintain a realistic and structured routine (where possible). As the lines between work and home become blurred, we have compiled our top tips to ensuring you stay positive during this time. Structure your day We are creatures of habit – breaking the day up into manageable chunks enables us to focus. Struc...

29 Jan 2021

We have made it to the end of January! It may have been a challenge at times but we got there. Looking back at the month we wanted to share with you: Shane Rodgers article, 7 Ways to Reboot Yourself for 2021. As we move into February, the feeling of growing confidence is palpable and Rodgers article is an excellent pick me up for mental and digital health, through his discussion of: ...

26 Jan 2021

January is a long month, particularly under the current circumstances, but with only a week to go – lets finish the month on a good note! Here is an article from REC (Recruitment & Employment Confederation), running through the latest statistics on employment numbers and it is good news! From this market analysis we can see that  IT & Computing, Nursing, Medical and Care hirin...

19 Jan 2021

In our blog last week on Ghosting, we briefly discussed the move from face-to-face interviews to virtual interviews. This week we wanted to dive deeper into ‘The Art of the Virtual Interview’, naturally we are all used to the initial face-to-face first impression. Covid has undoubtedly altered the hiring process, in this difficult market it is essential that interviewees are able to navi...